How do you sort out the thoughts?

I have a number of thoughts bouncing in my head, I’m too scared to write them down.


Because, they’re going to be messy. They’re going to need editing, and a lot of hardcore examining. Some, many probably, won’t make it to the blog. A lot of them probably don’t need to. And others aren’t going to get enough polishing before I put them before others. Because that’s not always possible. Life is messy and I’m still very much figuring out my way as I go. But I need to deal with them, and that’s going to be…a challenge.

Is it true? Is it mine to say? Is it helpful, insightful, or basically anything good? Is it going to make others angry (for example, by calling them out), and am I willing to deal with the consequences?

Do I want to be controversial?

No. No, not really. Never did.

I was always the “good girl” who burst into tears when I was told I had been mean or done something wrong. I burst into tears because the idea of me being mean to someone broke my little child heart.

Then I was questioned, mostly indirectly, for being manipulative.

Y’all, I didn’t know what to do with that, and it still affects me today. So I stay silent.

Outwardly, anyway.

To some.

To many.

But it doesn’t help to have all this unsorted noise in my head, either.

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