
Superman needs the sun.

I need thunderstorms.

There is no other energy quite like it. I feel it in my soul even more than my body, and it energizes me like nothing else.

Thunder has many tones. A soft, distant rumble, like a mother’s strong voice from inside the womb. A sharp, powerful crack, like a verdict that reveals truth. And a dozen variations inbetween. All of which, to me, are like the loving voice of God.

Contrary to what might be more logical, when I hear thunder, no matter how far or close it is, I feel safe. (Yes, when it’s very close I may still jump. But then I’m fine.)

I came to terms long ago that if God wanted to strike me down with a bolt of lightning then there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. And that, perhaps ironically, gave me peace.

At least with lightning.

I’ve been struggling lately with faith, beliefs, base understandings I’ve always held. Thunder, though it comes from the sky, grounds me. Maybe I don’t have to have all the answers. It’s okay if right now I’m more full of questions and doubts than certainties. When I hear thunder, blessedly a near daily gift in this seasonal weather, I have an anchor. Something bigger than me. Something unknown, strong and powerful, yet gentle and soothing. Something intangible yet physical. Something spiritual.

Superman needs the sun to recharge.

I need thunder to remind me to keep going.

Acceptance, Mental Health, and Chronic Conditions

Mental health is a big part of living with chronic conditions. Since they don’t go away or last for a prolonged period of time, they change our lives. Sometimes it’s a relatively small change, and sometimes it’s bigger.

I had a big change when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, more playfully and defiantly dubbed “DeTickles” on this blog. (Check out this fun read where I explain the silly name.) Suddenly I had to give myself shots (no, I still do not “like” needles), figure out what the heck a carb was and understand it’s not all about sugar, and monitor my body non-stop without breaks (yes, even when sleeping, I had to find a way).

I went about a year after my diagnosis before I asked for a referral to a counselor who understood diabetes and already spoke the lingo. It was one of the best health care decisions I have made. Taking care of my physical health required taking care of my mental health. And vice versa. My counselor helped me with that and still helps me to this day.

I had another change when I realized counseling and all the care tricks, tips, and yoga practice wasn’t enough for my mental health. I asked my doctor for antidepressants. Even knowing my mental health was getting worse was hard to take mentally and emotionally. I was doing everything right. I was taking care of myself and prioritizing my own self-care as much as possible. I was navigating life in a pandemic with a chronic condition, isolation, frustration, and a huge change from what I used to consider normal.

I knew I hadn’t failed, but I did feel like somehow I should have been able to prevent it. Accepting my mental health needs and that they had changed over time was a challenge.

I think I’m still accepting it. But I am immensely grateful to see improvement since starting on an antidepressant and continuing counseling.

Then another change. Now it’s a more official comorbidity, a common pairing of two (or more) health conditions at the same time. Thyroid problems are, unfortunately, common to have in addition to diabetes. Both the pancreas and thyroid are tied to the endocrine system. It’s not great, but also not a huge surprise when something goes wrong with one the likelihood of something going wrong with the other increases. I have no family history of Type 1 diabetes, but thyroid problems is another matter. Rich history, there.

So when I receieved my diagnosis of DeTickles and was told I had a thyroid goiter and we should check it out, I figured it would only be a matter of time before something went wrong enough to need correcting.

Somehow knowing that didn’t make it easier when it did happen several years later. That was recently. I didn’t want to accept adding another health condition to my life. I think I’m still working on that acceptance, and that’s okay. I’m lucky to have a wonderful doctor who caught it early when I thought I was tired and hot because it was summer, but she recognized signs of hyperthyroidism. A bit ironically, that was the opposite thyroid problem of my rich family history.

I didn’t know what to do. I barely understood my mother’s thyroid condition, and she never talked about it. Even though I had assumed it was a matter of time, I hadn’t spent any of it researching to understand or be aware of the symptoms and what to watch for ahead of time. Yet, here I had one more thing to deal with on top of an already overwhelmed and exhausted management and self-care plan.

What did I do?

At first, I thought I accepted it. “Fine. Let me take a new medicine and get on with my life.” But that wasn’t acceptance. I was bitter. I was also repressing my emotions, those enthusiastic messengers, and denying the valid message: This is hard.

I took the weekend, when I had time away from the responsibilities of work and keeping myself together to get the job done. I let myself be sad. It wasn’t fun. But it was needed. I needed that message, and I needed to take time with it. I needed to respect and honor both my body and mind’s response to another difficulty. I’m still taking time, but because of that weekend, I have made some progress. The burden has lessened. It’s also recent enough that I’m still in the process of fine tuning my treatment. I see my doctor again in a few weeks, when we can tell how much my medication has helped and what else, if anything, needs to be done or changed. That could also take time to process.

But that’s okay. It’s okay to take that time to process. It’s not only needed, it’s okay.

That’s a hard one for me to accept sometimes. I have to be happy, I have to be helpful, I have to have it together. Except, those are the lies. It’s okay if I’m not always happy. It’s okay if I’m not always helpful. It’s okay if I don’t always have it together.

I think I’ll read that paragraph again.

I think acceptance is a process. It’s not a one-time thing, and sometimes the process has twists and turns. Again, that is okay.

Not only is it okay, that process is self-care. That process helps my mental health.

That process builds my resilliance.

It feels weak, but it makes me stronger.

That’s okay.

What do you think? What have you tried to reach acceptance of a mental health or physical health need? Maybe we can share tips and help each other.